November 5, 2009

Real-life Job Conversations: Part 2

This summer I had a temporary job in the admissions kiosk at the lake near my house. I spent most of my work hours reading, playing ukulele and trying to keep the Canada geese from running onto the road. Occasionally, I would actually take money from visitors. These transactions usually took about 15 seconds: Someone drives up and hands me $3. I say, "Have a great day!" in a ridiculously chirpy voice. They drive away. End scene.

One afternoon, a man arrived in a black Camaro loaded with fishing gear. He clearly wanted to pay me, but couldn't seem to get his wallet out of his pants--probably because he was holding an open beer in one hand.

As I watched him fumbling with wallet and bills, pausing now and again to sip from the sweating aluminum can, I vacillated between chiding him for driving with an open container and simply offering to hold it for him.

I don't take drinking and driving lightly, but what authority did I have? I was a temporary employee earning minimum wage. Even my parks department polo shirt was on loan. I reasoned that he was probably going to fish for several hours, which would give him a chance to sober up. Still, he was so casual about beer behind the wheel, I felt I had to say something. Hence, today's short and sweet RLJC #2.

Me: Are you actually drinking beer while driving?

Man: Oh! [looks at can in his hand with mild surprise] Well, it’s Coors Light.

Me: Which is beer, right?

Man: Barely. [finally hands me $3] Besides, I only opened it just now.

Me: Fair enough. Have a good day!

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