January 13, 2010

An open letter to my omnivorous friends


This is not an easy letter for me to write. That's probably why I'm putting it on my blog, instead of sending it to you directly. I have gone to great lengths in my life to avoid being a preachy vegan. I hate to make people feel defensive, so I often find myself encouraging friends at the dinner table to "Go ahead! Get the ribs! Eat whatever you want!" I act as if my 20 years of vegetarianism are more of an uncontrollable personality trait than a conscious decision to boycott animal suffering. "Yeah, I'm vegan. I can't really help it. Let's talk about something else."

Today, at the risk of unpopularity, I need to say something different. I just finished reading Jonathan Safran Foer's Eating Animals, which a friend gave me as a birthday present. Normally a meat-eating fiction writer, Foer began researching American farming practices when his son was born, in a effort to determine the best diet for his child. Three years later, he has written an amazingly well-presented non-fiction account of our country's relationship to food animals.

I can honestly say that it is, by far, the most difficult book I have ever read. It literally caused me physical pain in my chest while reading it. And it spurred me to action.

I became a vegetarian at age 15. I have used this choice as an excuse to turn a blind eye to farming practices in America. "I already don't eat meat," I tell myself. "I am absolved. My work is done. " The truth is that factory farming still affects me - in the way my country's rivers are poisoned by irresponsible disposal of farm animal waste, in the way that flus are bred through sickened crate-confined pigs, in the way that the overuse of antibiotics on farm animals is rendering these important drugs useless for humans, in the way my loved ones' health is compromised by nutritionally bankrupt food options, and in the way that millions of animals are still suffering in ways I can barely stand to read about.

When I finished the last page of the book this morning, I walked directly to my computer and made a $200 donation to Farm Sanctuary. And I vow to do more when I can. You all are my witnesses.

I don't expect you to all to have the same feelings I do about animals or food issues. I realize we all have our own battles in life, and everyone's heart holds different priorities. The last thing I want to do is alienate you or make you feel judged.

Humans and other animals have eaten meat since life began, and I do not believe it is inherently wrong. But eating meat in general, and eating meat in the specific way we eat it in America are two different issues. Right now, it is impossible to eat meat on a regular basis in America without financially supporting the factory farming system. These food corporations do not consider your health a top priority, but you definitely should. It is worth your time to take a look at what you are putting into your body. And Foer's book is a good place to start with that.

I say all of this with the utmost respect, because I value you and your health and the health of our community. And regardless of how you choose to eat in the future, I am looking forward to our next meal together.

With love,


  1. Beautiful. Thank you.
    I love your concern, compassion and open mind. You are the bestest. <3

  2. Thank you for sharing Becca - I'm going to buy this book and learn more as well. We all need to be more in touch with what we eat, meat or otherwise. It affects not just our health, but our mind and spirit and the whole damn universe as well.

  3. As the most unlikely of converts and having only read some of Foer's excerpts, I confess to being drawn in by the cadence and blindsided by the connection to Everything is Illuminated. I do fear though that further pursuit is more likely to fuel hatred and shame over humanity rather than effect a personal dietary coup. That said, your words here and Foer's excerpts did directly change my lunch choice today. So, small victories and all that...

  4. Wonderfully expressed, Becca. I've been dancing with the idea of becoming fully vegan for the past 3 years (and, for the most part, I avoid dairy products), but this feels like an extra spur in that direction. Your blog is lovely & inspiring, and I look forward to more!
