December 2, 2009

You know you're homesick when...

I found this list in my travel journal, written about two weeks into my trip.

You Know You're Homesick When

1. You weep at the aerial shot of Manhattan in Hellboy 2 while thinking, "America!"

2. You go to see Hellboy 2

3. A fly lands on your arm and you think, "Aw, Francois Fly."

4. You tear up at a techno remix of Bryan Adam's "Summer of '69"

5. You contemplate searching for Wiccan friendship rituals on the internet and you're not Wiccan

6. Your mom offers to drop everything and fly out to meet you after reading your letters


  1. Awwww :( Those first two weeks are HARD!I was WAYYYY more homesick those first two weeks of adjustment time than 3.5 months into it. I definitely could have kept traveling for a few more months. I missed some creature comforts (and the comfort of my sweet feline creature) but I have to say the internet is a godsend. I could not have done it without the regular love and affection and support I received via emails from friends and family.

    That is a sweet account of what you missed. And I'm so glad your mama did fly out and meet you. Such a great experience for you both. (minus the hospital stay and cat hallucinations...)
    Love you!!!

  2. Just to set the record straight: my mom did not drop everything and fly out to meet me two weeks after I left. She came four months into my trip, like we'd originally planned. But the fact that she offered to come right away lets you know how pathetic my first e-mails home must have sounded. :)
